¿quieres ser donante de ovulos?
  consejos embarazo
The Road to Motherhood

Sometimes it takes a couple much more time to have a child than they initially imagined.
Pregnancy is not always ‘sooner said than done’.
Let’s see if we can’t do it this month. We’ll keep an eye on her ovulation, and the days to go. The date for the pregnancy test is approaching, but….again the period! So, month after month. Sometimes, the woman’s anguish increases when she sees that all around her (her friends, her neighbours and her co-workers) get pregnant without problems. Apparently, of course. There is always a friend who comes to tell that she became pregnant ‘at the first attempt’.
Like any other problem, the first step is to admit there is one. Then to seek help. In general, when a woman has been trying unsuccessfully to become pregnant for a year, she should seek advice with her gynaecologist. If the woman is over 35 years-old, then she should seek the advice of her gynaecologist at 6 months.
Beginning next month, we will try’. And the first month goes by full of hope and enthusiasm. You’re thinking about when they will do the pregnancy test, that they will see  a “positive” result!  But… what’s this? 
Discomfort, sharp pain….symptoms of the period!  And yes, the period comes. What a disappointment! All this adds up to pressure, and sometimes the level of anguish the woman has is tremendous.
Dr. Braulio Peramo Moya
Medical specialist in obstetrics and gynecology. Assisted reproduction.

Colegiado nº 282844119 del Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid | Registered Specialist n 6063017, General Medical Council of London”
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